update from the road

current location: Granada, Spain

I left Sevilla on Christmas Day and flew to Rome, which was remarkable. I was lucky enough to stay with a friend in the city and was in serious sightseeing mode for 2 solid days. Christmas dinner included tiramisu and pizza .. and skype with the parents, of course.

On the 28th I spent my morning gazing at the Coliseum and by the evening I was having dinner in Madrid with another friend. There is something disorienting and delightful about waking up in one country and going to sleep in another – all in the same day.

Hillary arrived to Madrid on the 30th from the US and we made the most out of the weather (what the Andalucians call txirimiri – a dismal mix of misty rain and clouds). We rang in the new year with a friend of mine and his family (outstanding brightly colored wigs), which was the best decision ever. An intimate dinner at their home, the requisite 12 grapes at midnight, and out to the bars afterward. I am truly grateful for their kind gesture and sharing their nochevieja with us.

The morning of the 2nd we took a train down to Granada, and cradled here in the city of my heart for now until the 5th. Hillary is snoring away and dreaming of the Alhambra and I am listening to the Christmas carols coming from the living room in our B&B. We found a great place to stay, and I highly recommend that if you come to this fair city you give Victor a call and see if he has rooms available (www.granadahomestay.com/)

For now it’s off to the wine bar, and perhaps some flamenco. Not many pictures to offer – I’ve been on the road since Christmas and have not uploaded in ages. Will return to Sevilla on the 5th and promise full disclosure of my travels πŸ™‚ Well, maybe not full disclosure .. but at least some photos!

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